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Here's what you need to know...

This four-stage plan manages the big dietary issues first, then narrows things down based on the athlete's needs and goals.
The first step is eliminating the obvious junk getting back in your way.
"Pretend health foods" make fat loss harder in spite of their health promises.
Although controversial, a large proportion of individuals lose body fat when they remove wheat, fruits and dairy juice off their diets and replace them with better options.
Choose foundational supplements that improve your workout performance and help you recover faster. Everything else is based on filling up specific spaces and needs.
Losing fat and fueling hardcore workout routines doesn't have to involve counting calories. Keep it simple and fine-tune as needed.

NFL Muscle

NFL sportsmen are awesome to work with. They're used to being coached and perform at their finest in that environment. They do what you tell them to do, they get results, plus they say thank you.

This business don't desire to be inundated with science and complicated plans. They want something that works, they don't want it to be a pain in the ass, and they want results.

Come to think about it, that's what most people want.

There's a period and a location for more extreme or complicated diet plans, but the majority of lifters can shift their nutrition to focus on building muscle or losing weight without the process taking up half their lives.

Recently, while helping an NFL athlete who had a need to lose fat, I understood that the majority of my advice for him works for just about everyone. Here's the program I organized for him.
The 4 Stage Diet

These stages can be used by anyone who needs to tidy up and re-focus his / her diet:
Stage 1: Drop the apparent crap.

You don't need anyone to let you know that candy, cookies, sodas, junk food, junk food and surplus booze are wrecking your body or at least hampering your progress.

Actually, maybe you do.

That's because there are a great number of hucksters and spineless pleasers out there telling you that shit is ok "in moderation."

They also prefer to say "there is no such thing as a bad food" because apparently they define "food" as whatever you can swallow that wont kill you immediately.

Well, they're incorrect.

Every time an overweight person consumes what we'll classify here as "apparent crap" they're either taking a step backward or temporarily halting their progress. And because so many of the foods have addictive properties, moderation goes into the garbage faster than junk mail.

In case your goal is to reduce fat, keep it all off for good, and improve performance, cheat foods aside have to be collection. Yes, there are always a complete great deal of plans out there that encourage cheat foods, but those people-pleasing programs have about the same long-term success rate as Weight Watchers do for your extra fat aunt.

Maybe it is time to grow up and stop feeling so eligible for a food pay back every time you do your workout. Sure, a few skinny young dudes and heavy steroid users can get away with eating junk for a while, but try remaining lean after the age group of 30 or 40 when you take in such as a spoiled chubby child every weekend.

Just like a good conditioning and strength coach, a diet plan coach must fill the cracks in the building blocks first, build up a solid structure then. That is easy, because usually the athlete understands damn well what he's eating that he shouldn't be. So you do too.

Oddly, it's human nature to keep making those obvious mistakes until someone tells you to cut it away. So here it is: slice it out.
Stage 2: Eliminate less obvious crap.

With the obvious crap removed, it's time to narrow things down. What's "less obvious crap?" They are foods often regarded as healthy that, well, really aren't.

Sometimes they are "better bad" choices: things that remain hampering your improvement but not as badly as the obvious-crap foods were before. They are also the types of foods that cause much controversy in the field of nutrition.

I call many of them pretend health foods. They proclaim their health benefits directly on the bundle: low fat, fats free, low carbohydrate, gluten free, high fiber, organic, wholegrain, etc.

But low-carb foods can be calorically thick and filled with the hardest eating fat, and fat-free foods are sugar bombs or brimming with processed flour often. Sugar is gluten-free. Kid's breakfast time cereal is "high fiber." And all of them will make you extra fat still.

You know this, but often when fat loss is the target, the IQ drops before the physical surplus fat percentage will.

But let's move beyond the not-so-common good sense stuff. site web Some tips about what I have my NFL men drop using their diets that may surprise you:

Fruit juice

The wheat issue is controversial, however, not to those who want results and simple rules just. So, a straightforward guideline is to ditch wheat-containing foods or greatly reduce your intake.

The anti-wheat doctors and paleo advocates will bore you to death with studies showing that wheat polypeptides bind to the brain's morphine receptor, the same receptor to which opiate drugs bind, meaning that you get desires, overeat, and disrupt your natural appetite signaling mechanisms.

They go to list dozens of other nasty-sounding effects, some of which seem to be spot-on plus some which may be a bit exaggerated.

But this much is true: medical benefits of this particular grain are largely nonexistent, you don't need it, and it's really probably doing you more harm than good, for whatever reason.

Maybe it's more related to FODMAPs, or maybe it's just that most wheat-containing foods are also full of the same items that can lead to something called toxic hunger. Doesn't matter. The simple rule is the same: Does it contain wheat? Then don't place it in your mouth.

Besides, adopting a gluten-free diet even if you are not a celiac tends to eliminate the majority of the stuff that made you get chubby in the first place, as long as you don't fall for those pretend-healthy food scams.

If your body fat is stubborn, or you feel out of control around food so you haven't eliminated wheat yet, give it a go. Same for milk, same for juice.

It can take anywhere from 5 to 28 days to drop the "obsession" to these foods. Food researchers and behavioral psychologists refer to this as the "avoid being a pussy" stage and suggest three portions of "suck it up, princess" until bad habits wane and unnatural urges subside.

original site Out here in real life, it works for 90% of individuals. Let the geeks fling their studies like monkeys fling poo. We'll just concentrate on simplicity and results.
Stage 3: Replace all the above crap with better stuff.

Replace your breads, cereals, and pastas with grain, potatoes, quinoa, oatmeal, buckwheat, and starchy vegetables.

Replace your dairy with unsweetened almond, coconut, or cashew dairy because you're not a new baby cow. Substitute your juice with drinking water because you are not 7 years old.

Replace the pretend health foods with foods you prepare yourself. Don't follow a Paleo diet, but eat your meat, veggies, eggs, and coconut oil.
Stage 4: Supplement to enhance performance and fill gaps.

Much like food options, product prescriptions have three phases.
1. Drop a child Supplements

If your supplement choices resemble those of a teenager's after hitting the supplement store at the mall, they probably suck.

If you're spending mainly on things which contain the characters "NO" or your pre-workout is only stimulants that make you are feeling tingly, you're carrying it out wrong. If your preferred brand is a multi-level marketing operation, you can't be helped.

Eliminate things that really don't work or that do hardly any and concentrate on the big-bang supplements that every hard lifter benefits from.
2. Build the building blocks

The foundation is workout nutrition. To guarantee the greatest gains from training, energy, protect, and reload muscle prior to immediately, during, and after workouts.

My NFL guys all focus on Plazma™ and Mag-10®, modified for game and practices day. We do not talk any more about supplementation until this is looked after. For some of them, this is where we stop because it's all they need. For those on a tighter budget, Surge® Workout Gasoline fits the bill.
3. Fill the Gaps

Not absolutely all that surprising perhaps, pro sports athletes rely on fast food often. My NFL guys replace these convenience meals with Finibars, eaten before and after practice or games.

Many of these athletes have problems with poor sleep, so these are got by us on Z-12. I have most of them add 2000-5000 IU of vitamin D to their daily program, my black athletes especially. Most use Elitepro™ Mineral and Flameout® also. If indeed they detest fruits and vegetables, they get Superfood.

The true point here is to fill the nutritional gaps or take care of individual needs. You may only need one or two additional supplements, or non-e at all.
Bonus: Easy Food Prep for Athletes

Here's a simple way to have healthy foods ready to go.

First, go buy a big slow cooker (Crock Pot). Slow cookers come in small, medium, and big-ass. Choose big-ass because you're going to make multiple foods in one pot. You'll want one with a timer so it'll stop cooking when you're away and switch to the warm establishing.

Get a large hunk of pet flesh: meat roast, twelve chicken chest, a turkey breast, several pork tenderloins, etc. If it needed to perish for your diet needs, it's good to go. Sodium, pepper, toss it in.
Vegetables. Get some good. Chop them up. Throw them in. Frozen vegetables work too.
view publisher site Dice up some potatoes and add them to the pot.
Add liquid. I would recommend stock, any kind: beef, rooster, or vegetable.
Herbage. Use whatever is helpful. Dried stuff is okay. Or slather the meat with tomato paste.
Now, in the morning, turn your cooker on low for 7-8 hours. Now go do those ideas that you do: work, school, smashing heads to safeguard an oblong pigskin, whatever.
Come home and it will prepare yourself. Store the leftovers for later.


Prior to going to bed, toss a cup or two of steel slice oats in the slow cooker. For every glass of oats, add three cups of water.
If you'd like, add a couple of bananas, apples, or a bag of frozen berries or peaches.
Using the low setting, set the timer for about 7 hours. Go to bed.
Wake up, mix a scoop or two of Metabolic Drive® Protein with your hot and ready-to-eat oats. Save the leftovers because you just made breakfast time for another several days.

Simplicity Wins

There's no calorie counting or macro micromanaging here. For some hard-training people, there doesn't need to be. Just follow the essential guidelines and you'll work out how to fine-tune things as you go along.

It works for the best in the NFL and it will work for you.