A Help Guide To Ghost Immobiliser Installer From Beginning To End

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Ghost Immobiliser Range Rover

A ghost immobiliser for your range rover can protect your Range Rover from key cloning or hacking. It also helps to prevent key theft. Installed discreetly into your original wiring harness, the Autowatch ghost immobiliser offers an automatic security.

You can also disarm the system with no hassle with an iOS or Android application.

What is a Ghost Immobiliser?

If you're lucky enough to have a Range Rover, it's only normal to safeguard it from theft. Unfortunately, as more and more vehicles are becoming keyless and hackable, thieves are able to take your joy and pride away in seconds. This is why an immobiliser that is ghostly is essential.

A ghost immobiliser is a device that prevents your vehicle from starting unless the pin number is entered. The code can be entered by pressing buttons on the vehicle, such as those on the steering wheel or centre console. Only you will know the pin number. The unit detects the vibrations or contact with your vehicle, damage or even if someone is trying to gain entry into your vehicle.

The device is connected to the vehicle's CAN data networks and will only begin the engine when the proper pin is entered. This means that a thief can't simply insert a new key or replace the ECU since it will not recognize the modifications. It's also designed so that it is not detectable by diagnostic tools and can't be hacked by radio signals.

It is crucial to install your Range Rover Ghost as soon as you are able. The device will not just stop hacking, but it will also safeguard your vehicle from key cloning, signal jamming and vehicle fraud.

Ghost is the next generation immobiliser. It is not a necessity to cut wires or adding key fobs that are aftermarket. The Ghost device is compatible with the CAN system and utilizes buttons from the factory to create a push-sequence for a PIN code that must be entered to drive the vehicle. This is the ultimate security for your Range Rover from hacking and other methods of modern-day vehicle theft.

Once you've got your Range Rover Ghost installed it is extremely simple to use. The system can be de-armed and armed using the dedicated iOS and Android apps, or with a ghost 2 Bluetooth Tag (sold separately). You can also enable valet mode, which lets you control your vehicle according to pre-set parameters without needing the PIN code. This is perfect for handing it over to the valet.

Protection from Key Cloning and Key Theft

The Ghost is an immobiliser of the future designed to protect your Range Rover from modern car thieves. The Ghost is different from other immobilisers that require a key fob for operation. ghost immobiliser installers near me is hidden within the wiring of your vehicle and can't be found without removing it. This makes it the perfect option to prevent the latest methods of theft such as key cloning and key theft.

The device is connected to the CAN network inside your car and allows you to create an unique PIN code using the buttons on your dashboard and the steering wheel. When you enter this PIN code, the Ghost will stop your Range Rover from starting unless it receives the correct PIN sequence. A thief will have to spend hours trying to figure out the right combination of buttons to steal your vehicle.

Since the device is based on the CAN data network, there is no risk of installing it and it can be placed in any spot within your vehicle. The device doesn't emit any signals, so a thief can't use sophisticated RF scanning or code-grabbing technologies to identify it. Additionally, since it communicates with the ECU on the data bus, which is used to immobilize your vehicle, a thief is unable to detect the distinct click of an immobiliser relay.

Lastly it should be noted that the Ghost does not include LED indications or key-fobs to signal its presence. Additionally, it's also sealed, meaning it's not able to be taken away or damaged. It is small enough to be able to wrap into the vehicle harness, to ensure that it is not easily spotted by criminals who may try to disable it through cutting wires or taking away the harness.

The Ghost is a tried and tested solution for protecting your Range Rover against key-cloning, key theft and hacking. The Ghost is not a replacement for other defence methods like parking the Range Rover in a driveway or garage, if it is possible. This will make it more difficult for a criminal to take it.

Can Ghosts Be Hacked?

With Range Rovers consistently featuring in the top 10 most stolen cars every year, it is worrying for owners. This is because of the keyless entry feature of the vehicle, which makes it an ideal vehicle for thieves. They can steal your vehicle in a matter of seconds by using techniques like relay attacks.

There are methods to safeguard yourself and your precious possessions from these criminals. The most effective method is to install a ghost immobiliser. This advanced device will stop your car from starting until an additional code sequence is entered alongside your key fob. It does this by using buttons on your car like those on the steering wheel and door panels as well as the central consoles to allow you to create a disarm code (like a pin code) which must be entered before the car will start and drive away. This will not only stop your car from being cloned or taken by hacking but will also discourage thieves from even trying to steal it in the first place.

Installing a ghost-immobiliser in your Range Rover is easy and quiet. No wiring is required. It uses CAN data circuits to communicate with the ECU. It isn't detected by radio or diagnostic signals.

The most advanced aftermarket CAN bus immobiliser on the market the Autowatch Ghost is Tassa certified and provides the highest level of security to protect your Range Rover from hacking, key cloning and even theft. It will block your vehicle's key functions until the unique pin code is entered. This will deactivate your engine and stop your vehicle from being stolen by thieves, regardless of whether they have your keys.

You might have seen YouTube videos claiming that you can bypass any can-bus blocker using paper clips, however this is completely false. Only specially designed tools for a specific vehicle may be used to bypass the Ghost immobiliser. These are not available in the UK. We offer a 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE* on every Ghost installation that we complete in the UK.

Service Mode

Despite being one of the most technologically advanced automobiles on the market, the Range Rover is still a popular target for thieves. Installing a ghost immobiliser can assist in preventing thieves from entering your vehicle, and also ensure that it is safe all the time. The system is discreet and invisible to thieves since it doesn't emit any signal. This is unlike other systems that utilize LED indicators or key fobs. Instead, it utilizes the buttons on your steering wheel, door and dashboard to create a unique sequence which must be entered before the vehicle can start. Here's how it works:

Produced by Autowatch and installed by Eurotec Motors, the ghost immobiliser system prevents your vehicle from starting until a specific sequence of buttons are hit. This unique sequence is only recognized by you and is able to be changed at any time. This means that even if your vehicle is stolen, a thief is unable to start it as they do not know the code. The system can also be linked to external trackers and alarms (Brand dependent). This adds an additional layer of protection for your vehicle since the immobiliser will be in priority over the signals from these external devices.

Once installed you can easily Arm and Disarm your Ghost with the smart-phone app that comes with it or a Bluetooth tag (Sold separately). They allow you to arm your car without having to remember your PIN number. You can also put the device into transport mode for when you drop off your vehicle at a garage. This will shut off all automated alarms for theft for a period of 10 hours, which will keep your vehicle secure when it's being transported.

Contact our team if you are interested in learning more about Ghost Immobilisers for Range Rovers, or should you wish to learn more about it. We offer an on-the-go service in the UK and can show you how it works. We will give you the owner's guide, installation certificate, and an emergency card for your car as well as a 2-year device warranty.